An Improvement Location Certificate (also referred to as an ILC or Mortgage Survey) is generally required by lenders and title insurance companies for real estate transactions. An ILC is an inspection of a property by a Colorado Professional Land Surveyor, to locate improvements (permanent structures, fences, above ground utilities, driveways, etc.) in relation to the property boundary lines along with existing property corners, platted building setbacks and easements. This is usually done to meet some requirements of either a title insurance company, lender, investor, property buyer or as stipulated in a contract to buy and sell real estate.
As described in Colorado Revised Statutes 38-51-108:
1) A professional land surveyor may prepare an improvement location certificate for the use of a specific client based upon such professional land surveyor's general knowledge of land boundaries and monuments in a given area if such client is not the owner or buyer; except that a copy of such certificate shall be provided to such owner or buyer.
(2) (a) (I) A certificate prepared pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall not be designated as or construed as being a land survey plat or improvement survey plat.
(II) Such certificate shall be prominently labeled "improvement location certificate" and contain a statement in the following form: